Dunn County Chapter
Northern Lights Chorus

The Northern Lights Chorus is a group of men who sing a cappella music in the barbershop harmony style. The chorus is one of the performing units of the Dunn County Chapter of The Barbershop Harmony Society (formerly SPEBSQSA).

About the directors

Director: Dave McNaughton (mcnaughtond@UWSTOUT.EDU), now retired from his career as Professor and psychologist on the faculty at University of Wisconsin-Stout, was appointed Music Director of the Dunn County Chapter in 1979. He first joined the Barbershop Harmony Singing Society in 1970 and is one of three Charter Members who are still active with the local group.

Dave soon discovered his love for quartet singing, first with the Red Cedar Sharps and then the Dunn Four Quartet before becoming the lead singer of HomeTown Harmony, a group that competed regularly and enjoyed entertaining audiences for many years throughout western Wisconsin.

He is proud to have directed the Northern Lights chorus to several Small Chorus championships and Most-Improved-Chorus awards. According to Dave, "The past 30 years have provided me with the very best of harmony and personal fellowships; I wish that I had started sooner. My friends of the Dunn County family, and throughout the Society, have truly enriched my life. Isn't it great to be a barbershopper!"

  Assistant director: Pat Hogan
  Assistant director: Don Chamberlain

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