1998 Spring Convention
for the LOL District of SPEBSQSA
May 1-2, 1998

The Eau Claire Chapter of barbershop singers is hosting the 1998 Spring Convention for the Land O' Lakes District of SPEBSQSA.

When & where:

Friday & Saturday, May 1 & 2, 1998
State Regional Arts Center
Downtown Eau Claire, Wisconsin
(Check out the online map!)

The Land O'Lakes District Spring Convention and International Prelims will be held next weekend, May 1-2 in Eau Claire, WI. The Headquarters Hotel is the Holiday Inn downtown with the Contest site just 1 block away at "The State" Regional Arts Center.

The contests combine the Land O'Lakes Prelims and the 10,000 Lakes Division Contests. Single Events tickets will be available at the door for all 3 Contest sessions.

The Convention schedule is as follows:

Friday - May 1, 1998
12:30 PM District Board of Directors meeting
6:30 PM Quartet Preliminary contest.
10:00 PM Pre-Glow

Saturday - May 2, 1998
12:00 NN 10,000 Lakes Chorus Contest
2:00 PM District House of Delegates meeting
7:30 PM Quartet Finals Contest and Show

Twenty One Quartets are entered for the Friday night Preliminary Contest including one Collegiate Quartet. The top 10 Quartets from Friday night will advance to the Saturday night Finals contest to determine the Quartets that qualify for the International Quartet Contest in Atlanta in July. Headlining the Saturday night event will be the Great Northern Union Chorus, the only Chorus in the Barbershop Society that has qualified 12 times for International.

Eight Choruses have entered the 10,000 Lakes Division Chorus Contest being held Saturday afternoon starting at 12:00 NN. This contest will determine the Choruses that advance to the District Contest being held in Fargo, ND in October.

An added attraction is the Friday night PreGlow. Starting off with a "Tuba Quartet" from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire this group will set your toes a-tapping. Then a "true life" Auctioneer will auction off 2 Quartets to appear on your Chapter show or at a performance of your choosing. The only act to top this off would be "The Salty Dogs Quartet" and that's who will be performing.

The Contest facilities are excellent. "The State" Regional Arts Center is a $1 million dollar renovation of a movie theatre and has excellent accoustics. Audience and performers alike marvel at the sound of this magnificent facility.

Tickets are available at the door for all contests and all events are open to the public.

[Land O'Lakes District] | [SPEBSQSA]
This page is maintained by Tom Arneberg (toma@mcs.com)
(Last modified: $Date: 1998/04/28 21:57:13 $)