=========================================================== Begins Wednesday, March 23, 2005. All your matches should be played by Wednesday, April 20 at 10PM. You call your opponents to set up your matches. We will be asking for volunteers from the whole tournament to help official the championship matches. Players in each division will play each other 2 times. Any matches not played by April 20 by 10PM will be considered as a loss for both players. All matches will consist of 2 out of 3 games. First 2 games to 15 points, 3rd game necessary to 11 points. All matches except for final tournament night will be unrefereed. Call your own matches. Championship matches for each division will be Thursday, April 20. The top two players from each division will play for the championship. Seeding of the top players will be done according to the following and in this order: * Best record in matches played. * Head to head record. * Least number of points allowed in the first two games of each match * played, so please fill out scorecards completely. Court reservations can be made at the front desk. 6. Results - Turn in your results to the front desk. Pick up your sheet to record results by the racquetball ladder sheets. Please do not use the racquetball ladder sheets for results. Use the YMCA Racquetball Championship Sheet. If you are involved with the racquetball ladder you must do a separate sheet. All matches can count towards the racquetball ladder. 7. A social will be held at the Fill-Inn Station after the championship matches on Thursday, April 20. All players and spouse/guest are invited. Good luck. Any questions or concerns, contact Jennifer Sherbinow, Associate Executive Director. YMCA - 723-2201 E-Mail - js2201@charter.net ===========================================================